The purpose of this company, which was founded with sincere purposes, is to provide CV and career consultancy services to help people who aim to find a job in Europe and to show them the correct procedures. The reason is that while we were aiming the Netherlands, we could not easily access all this information.
Since we could not reach them in time, we spent over a year obtaining these information; We had various CV editing trainings, talked to recruitment agencies, held many interviews and exchanged information with many European HR groups. We gained most of the important information while meeting with European HR groups and European recruitment agencies. You should know that there are certain criteria for chasing a job in Europe. We would like to offer you the chance to receive consultancy from a company like us that is willing to share these information. Because we do not want you, who have the dream and competence to come to Europe, to spend the same time or more in vain and wear out on this road.
Our team is currently serving with 5 professionals. Our company, which has succeeded in establishing bilateral relations with recruitment agencies from different European countries, especially Holland, Germany, Belgium and Ireland, is expanding its network day by day and will be able to help more people effectively.
BestinCV website belongs to "Bestin Company" and this company was founded by an electrical and electronics engineer and a lawyer who, themselves, relocated to the Netherlands with getting a contract offer. The company's Dutch Chamber of Commerce registration number (KvK-nummer) is 80438717 and the Dutch Tax Office tax number (BTWnr) is NL003438373B44. According to Dutch laws, we are obliged to show you these information so that you can always check our company.